Hello soul friend,

woman in a white dress sitting on planet earth and cloud

I’m glad you’ve found your way here and that somehow, your path has aligned with mine. When we begin living a life in alignment, our lives begin to unfold in ways others may have deemed impossible. Magick begins to happen on a daily basis. Dreams we had since childhood can actually come true. Wilder dreams that we didn't even realize we’re ours become offered to us at lightspeed and all of the sudden we’re on a flight to Egypt facilitating on a dream retreat cruise with other entrepreneurs sailing down the Nile river. (Happen to anyone else? What’s your lightspeed story?) 

As one of my favorite spiritual teachers, Wayne Dyer said, 

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” 

Astrology is a potent force that aids us by holding our hands and shining a twinkling little light to show us that there is another way to see.

a woman in a white dress holding a book

We all have the gift of free will, and Astrology shows us the energy to best use this formulation. I didn’t always walk this path of magick and mysticism. In fact, there were many moments of my life that I felt like an outsider, a black sheep and lonely, even in a crowded room. Sometimes I felt different from many, and felt that I didn’t have community.  I subconsciously held back parts of my most authentic self, especially the big weirdo parts that my closest friends and family love the most about me. I didn’t know how to let the world see all of the real me. Especially the many faces/phases of my Gemini Moon. #iykyk.

I used work, productivity, dating, social media and money for validation. I struggled with my self love and realizing that I too am indeed worthy, abundant, enough and all the other things we forget when we step into human bodies.

It was like I was hit with lightning when I discovered that all of the keys to understanding myself and living my best life actually lay in the shadow sides of my Astrological chart. My Taurus Sun didn’t feel worthy, my Gemini Moon was non-committal, and my Leo Rising needed so much validation that she couldn't take an IG vacation! Through the years, study, and deep reflections, I see our shadows are actually our greatest blessings, because these are the ways  that we grow and are the challenges that our soul said, “Hell yes, sign me up for that hard ride so I can expand.” 

a hand selecting tarot cards

In my 20s I did what most 20-somethings did, found myself fitting in through the world of partying. So much so that I even lived in Las Vegas and worked as a nightclub promoter! Though it was a rocky road, I have no regrets and lived out some life highlights as I fulfilled my unwavering passion for music and landed my dream job as a nightlife and music journalist, getting paid to jet around to festivals and sip cocktails in the VIP while waiting to interview the hottest DJs. However with the drinking, stress and late nights, I began to lose myself.

woman in a white dress sitting on a bench

I became sick, depressed, and diagnosed with mysterious gut issues and got a surgery that left me even more ill and with a bad taste of the Western medical system. I left Las Vegas, saw an acupuncturist named Dr. Lau who saved my life, and within two months was fully healed! He told me to stop drinking, de-stress and eat clean. I did whatever he said because I never wanted that pain and bodily trauma again. My eyes glowed in a way they hadn’t in years. I dropped some stubborn pounds. I was open and ready for a new life! Spiritual Awakening version 1.0 had commenced! I began studying nutrition and spirituality and pronounced myself, forever changed. I decided to fall in love with life again, and took off to travel the world to explore and spent time living in Spain, Peru, Chile, and Argentina. I saw the magic in other cultures, and fell in love with how they value community, passions and authenticity.

Once I moved back to the US, I returned to study nutrition, and that same winter was invited on a seva (service) retreat in India. As we meditated and savasanna’d everyday, a voice kept whispering, “move to San Francisco and work in technology.” This was not my yoga teacher's voice by the way, it was what we call Spirit/Universe/God. I really questioned and WTF’d this voice, but I couldn’t get it out of my head when I went home. So, I followed this prompting and it was the best decision of my life. I began to work in sales, marketing and in the fast paced life of technology start-ups. Here I got the to take the not-so-joyful ride of burn out, and experienced first hand why stress is the #1 killer. I ran the hamster wheel, joined in on the lack and fear-mentality scares, and understood why people killed themselves over jobs they hated with a bad case of societal “shoulds.”

a collage of an Egyptian pyramids and statue with a white tiger and flowers

I thank God for this opportunity because it allowed me to relate to the hundreds of clients who come to me looking for answers. And, it taught me how to run, market and sell a biz, and jam packed me with skills my Sun in the 10th house and Moon/Chiron/Venus Stellium in the 11th needed to learn! Once again, my body got sick from all the stress (hello Moon and Neptune in the sixth house) and this time I knew it was time to follow my passion for health.

That year, I found my second favorite book, (after The Alchemist) Jen Sinceros, You Are A Badass, and took the leap in pursuing my vision of helping others heal. I moved to LA, my dream since I was a kid. I was getting closer to fulfillment yet there was still something missing. I lacked confidence in my deeper purpose, and as I began to awaken even more spiritually (hello round 2), I felt lonely and without a community as I went back to school at 32 years old, studying anatomy and dissecting frogs with 21-year olds at Santa Monica College. 

One warm day during Gemini Season, I was taking my regular walk on the beach in Santa Monica, when I scrolled into a podcast that spoke to the energy of Pisces and its connection to loneliness. A theme I’d experienced my entire life even though I had friends all over the world! Could this be why?! I ran to my car, pulled up my birth chart, and sure enough, Jupiter in Pisces in the 8th house.

So, I went into my own portal and danced with the divine. I found an Astrology teacher, trusted my inner voice, and in a short time, clarity and alchemical abundance came knocking at my door.

a woman in an orange dress surround by flowers

When I learned astrology, it was more like a remembrance. Suddenly all of my biggest dreams, challenges and inner feelings were validated right on my chart. Since then, I’ve been able to experience non-linear, quantum living and healing. Simultaneously, I was introduced to a life-changing process of neural reprogramming called Psych-K®, which healed a 15 year binge-eating disorder of mine, and is a method I combine in my Quantum Cosmic Sessions with Astrology to get to the root and resetting of the stories that run your world. 

My passion for Astrology lives on forever, and has taken me to live and create on a path of never-ending wonder. It has been an honor for me to give hundreds of reading, gab and collab on dozens of podcasts, teach the cosmic rhythm in my Cosmic Earth School of Astrology, speak at festivals and private events, all while bearing witness to the awe it brings to you, dear reader, every time. 

There is a magnificence waiting to be born through you. Each star shines brighter and the planets smile down as you courageously stand as a yes for your greatest dreams. Our Universe is truly limitless. Remember your magick, and that you are the Universe. 


you are the universe

you are the universe ✹