Astrology Reading

Discover the magic of your soul’s purpose. Together in this reading, we decode the blueprint of your life path and look at how events manifest, the reasons you feel the way you do and the great mission and destiny you are here to achieve.

Readings can be Soul Purpose, Relationship, Solar Return (the energy for your upcoming birthday), or a combination of all. Reading recording sent to you

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Quantum &
Cosmic Session

The Quantum and Cosmic Session is my signature session, where we use the two tools that have shifted mine and hundreds of my clients lives. We combine the ancient wisdom of the stars with the empowering tool of Psych-K®, a technique that rewrites your subconscious programming so you can get out of your own way and onto your highest path.

a white tiger with flowers and a moon in the background.
a woman in a white dress with a greek statue and planets in the background

What to expect

Each session is unique, and depending on what is present for you currently, we’ll explore:

☾ Your birth chart discovering your many purposes and why you’re here, what your soul signed up to learn, do, and be

☾ The themes in your present life and how to best navigate them

☾ The themes in your life and what you need and desire in love, and how to best communicate it (plus current love life updates)

☾ Best moves for your career and timing

☾ Your emotional and mental health needs plus how to master them

☾ Acknowledging your most powerful gifts and activating you to step in them via Psych-K®

☾ And one of the deepest pieces of all: Discovering that subconscious wound within you that still holds power strong over you, finding its origin, and transmuting it through Subconscious rewiring, muscle testing (can be virtual), and rewriting the story. This work is no joke and how I healed a 14-year eating disorder.

Session is 90 minutes; recording sent to you. 

Price: $700

This session is a portal for manifestation, clearing, healing, awareness, MAJOR EMPOWERMENT, and of course, magick, to move you into the higher level that is waiting for you. Allow yourself to Integrate and Activate all who you are.

How to Read Your Birth Chart Video & Guide

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In this 2.5 Hour Video Tutorial, Natalie takes you on a journey from start to finish on how to pull your own birth chart, to how to understand the signs, the planets, and the houses, and how to pull it all together. 

Begin to understand the greatness of your soul, what you came here for, what you came to master, where you have your challenges, your greatest needs, and so much more in this comprehensive tutorial. 

You will also receive Natalie’s 22-page guide for a written explanation to follow along with!

Price: $111

The treasure map to your soul

Birth chart handbook

a woman with joshua trees
a woman standing on clouds and a Taurus bull

Start your cosmic journey with Natalie’s 22-page written guide on how to read your cosmic blueprint.

a white cloud

Cosmic earth school of astrology

Discover your soul’s greatest purpose, confidently embody who you are at your core, and learn to speak the language of the cosmos